Sander Hageman

Game Programmer

Dutch Game Programmer creating amazing games that make you smile at Paladin Studios.



Role: Engine- and PS4 Programmer

Date: September 2016 - July 2017

About: Third person hack and slash game made in Unreal Engine 4 for PS4.

What I did:

  • Playstation 4
    • Compatibility with the PS4
  • Unreal Engine 4
    • Editing UE4 source for PS4 support
  • Prototyping
    • Rapid prototyping


Role: Gameplay Programmer

Date: September 2015 - January 2016

About: Third person twin stick shooter made in Unreal Engine 4 for Android and PC.

What I did:

  • Special Attack
    • Added the Special Attack for full rage meter
  • Importing Animations
    • Importing and applying animations
  • Ranged weapon
    • Create a gun with variable ammo-types

Project RIAS

Role: Gameplay- and AI Programmer

Date: September 2014 - January 2015

About: Third person puzzle platformer made in Unity.

What I did:

  • Creation of 'Frederik' AI
    • Creation of AI following the player
  • UI programming
    • Implementation of the virus UI